piątek, 31 grudnia 2021

No Interruptions Day 2021

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Is there anything more irritating than to be neck deep in a project, only to be subjected to countless interruptions by friends, family, and well-meaning co-workers? We know it can drive us absolutely nuts, and it always interrupts our work flow and makes our tasks take far longer than is necessary. When on 5 minute interruption becomes 12, we’ve suddenly lost a whole hour of productivity out of our day. No Interruptions Day reminds us that the best way to get a solid days work done is with no interruptions, and hopefully will serve as a reminder of those we share our life with as well.

History of No Interruptions Day

No Interruptions Day arose in response to a world where everywhere we go information and noise is blasted at us from every angle. Visually the world is full of flashing screens and pop-ups and outlandish things determined to draw our attention from what we’re doing and make us LOOK LOOK LOOK for a moment. Whether it’s the man spinning a sign in a Lady Liberty outfit advertising a tax service, or a pop-up on your phone from the latest twitter post, everything wants your attention, right now.

Then we take into account all the audial noise, advertisements on our radio stations, beeping noises from machines wanting attention, people popping by with a ‘hey how ya doin’ or a ‘Hey Bob, I really need those TPS reports’. It all seems determined to keep us from doing what we’re actually trying to focus on. No Interruptions Day encourages us to shut out and disconnect from everything causing us to lose our way. For just one day, we can finally get done what we set out to do, free of interruptions.

How to celebrate No Interruptions Day

Turn off your phone, shut your office door, hold all calls, and ask your friends, family, and co-workers to let you focus for the day, even though you love them dearly. You may love those interruptions, but that’s part of the problem! It’s so easy to focus on these easier and more pleasant things rather than spend our time what needs to get done. Hang a Do Not Disturb sign on your office door, and make sure everyone knows that No Interruptions Day is your day to get work done, without being distracted by the noise of the world. Go forth, and let productivity be your guiding principle!

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Gift Of Sight Month 2021

Tip: 1 800 Contacts coupon codes: Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.. 1 800 Contacts Promo Code: GL4S53S (23 People Used Today)

1 800 Contacts promo codes: 1 800 Contacts $20 Off Orders of $150 For New Customers

Good vision is something that we all recognize the importance of. However, it is something that a lot of us take for granted. After all, you know what they say; you don’t realize what you have got until it is gone. For a lot of people, being blind is something that they have lived with their entire lives.

For others, it is something that has crept upon them at a later age. There are then those that have good vision, but they live in fear of this taken away from them. In fact, blindness ranks as one of the top fears for aging people around the world today. 

Gift Of Sight month has been designed to help and raise awareness regarding the importance of eye health. A lot of people realize that routine yearly physicals are imperative in terms of detecting or preventing a lot of conditions. However, very few people appreciate just how important a yearly eye exam is when it comes to preventing disorders and diagnosing diseases at the earliest stage.

Can you honestly say that you have had an eye exam in the past year? If you have, we applaud you! If you haven’t, it’s time to book one. It does not matter whether you are seven-years-old or you will soon be celebrating your 70th birthday, an annual eye exam is something we should all have. 

History Of Gift Of Sight Month

Versant Health established Gift Of Sight Month. This month is dedicated to helping people realize how important it is to have healthy eyes, and how amazing and lucky we are to have full vision. It has been set up so that people realize that seeing an eye doctor on a regular basis is important so that we can keep enjoying the ability to see the world around us. The month is all about action and education. Gift Of Sight month also advocates for low-cost eye exams in order to prevent issues. 

Why Routine Eye Exams Are Important

There are a number of different reasons why routine eye exams are important. The main reason is so that any problems are detected at the earliest possible stage. When eye issues are not picked up on right away, they can become worse and worse. This means that you could end up losing your vision. This could all be avoided if you had a yearly exam, as the optometrist would have been able to pick up on the issue and take the right course of action to prevent it from getting worse. This is even more so important when you consider the fact that a lot of eye diseases do not give warning signs.

Statistics About Vision Impairment

The WHO has released some interesting statistics on visual impairment. These statistics certainly help you to get a better understanding of how common eye health issues are and, therefore, why it is critical to make sure you keep on top of your eye health. Here are some of the statistics they have released…

  • Around the world, there are a minimum of 2.2 billion people who are blind or have a vision impairment.
  • Of these people, at least one billion people have a visual impairment that could have been prevented or has not been addressed yet.
  • Of these one billion people, this includes individuals that have a severe or moderate distance vision impairment or blindness that has been caused by a refractive error that has not been addressed. 
  • Most people that have vision impairment are over the age of 50-years-old. However, there are children that have problems with their vision, which is why it is so important to make sure you have routine eye checks irrespective of your age.
  • The main cause of vision impairment around the world are refractive errors that have not been corrected and cataracts.

How to celebrate Gift Of Sight Month

There are a number of different things that you can do in order to observe Gift Of Sight Month. However, there is no denying that the most important step is to book an eye exam. This is especially the case if you have not had a routine eye examination within the past year. Not only should you make sure you book an eye exam, but you should commit to doing this every year in order to protect your eye health.

Aside from this, another way that you can observe Gift Of Sight Month is by raising awareness. You’ve got a whole month, so you have plenty of time to put together blog posts and social media posts so that you can educate your friends, family, and followers on the importance of routine eye exams and maintaining their eye health. You can also post helpful tips on different things that people can do in order to keep their eyes healthy. Even if you reach one person, you could potentially save them from losing their vision in the future, so it really does make a difference. 

Another way to observe Gift Of Sight Month is to do something for people in society who are already blind. There are lots of different charities out there that are doing work for those who are visually impaired. You may decide to volunteer or you could fundraise. There are lots of great ways to fundraise today, including fundraising events, such as fun runs and bake sales. If you are a crafty person, you may want to create items for Gift Of Sight Month, selling them and donating the proceeds to a charity of your choice.

Finally, a great way for you to observe Gift Of Sight Month is to get in touch with all of your friends and family and encourage them to book an eye exam. You could even offer to book the exam for them so that the only thing they have to do is show up. There are lots of companies that offer deals and discounts on eye exams during this month, so you should definitely keep an eye out for these. 

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czwartek, 30 grudnia 2021

Operation Santa Paws 2021

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Animals serve an important part in our lives, being those friends and companions that give us love unconditionally. They protect our homes, and are there whenever we need them, asking for nothing but love and tenderness in exchange for all they give. Operation Santa Paws Day is a reminder that we need to return that love, and remember them at this most special time of year.

Every year there is a rush of animals that, through abuse and neglect, wind up abandoned in shelters and animal rescues everywhere. All too often they’re given as birthday or Christmas gifts, and simply abandoned as the shine wears off the newest puppy or the kitten gets grown up. Whatever the case, millions of animals world-wide end up in shelters, and there simply isn’t enough resources to support them all. This is where Operation Santa Paws Day comes in.

History of Operation Santa Paws 

This holiday was organized by Justin Rudd in 2001, this holiday was originally put together in Long Beach, California to help support their local shelters and rescues. While anyone can choose to participate by donating new toys, treats, food or money to help keep these dedicated servants of the animal public going. Justin has spread his campaign far and wide, getting stores nationwide to participate in this humanitarian effort.

How to celebrate Operation Santa Paws 

Celebrating Operation Santa Paws days can happen in a number of ways, from those already mentioned to more dedicated efforts. This holiday is about the animals, but without the support of those individuals who love them and dedicate themselves to their welfare, there’d be nowhere for them to go. When you stop by with your donation of supplies for the furry residents of your local shelter, don’t forget to bring down some tokens of thanks for these hard working saviors of our favorite little beasties.

Operation Santa Paws is still primarily operating out of California, but with the efforts of friends and companies, this phenomena can spread. Visit your local stores and enlist their help in collecting supplies, ask if you can put out a collection poster and post a wish list at their locations. (These things are available on http://www.hautedogs.org/santapaws as templates). Also, be sure to contact the shelters in your area that will benefit from your efforts, and let them know they have an ally in their mission to help animals.

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Why Do We Celebrate National Bacon Day?

National Bacon Day Activities

  1. Order bacon pizza

    It’s time to switch things up and get outside of your box. Live life on the wild side and swap your normal pepperoni and sausage pizza order. The delivery man is judging you, and frankly, we are too. To earn our respect back, you have to order a pizza with nothing but crispy, mouth-watering bacon as a topping. You’ll thank us later — if you’re not already thanking us now for thinking of this awesome idea.

  2. Buy some bacon-covered donuts

    We get it — it sounds wrong. We were once among the unbelievers too. But if maple-bacon donuts are wrong, we don’t want to be right! You can thank the Swirls bakery in Nebraska for starting the trend. They first conceptualized the donut and decided to call it the “Elvis.” Later, it was picked up by Voodoo Donuts in Portland, Dynamo Donuts in San Francisco, and more. So live on the edge and try this trendy delicacy! Again, you’ll thank us later.

  3. Eat bacon-wrapped hot dogs

    You’re probably asking yourself how things could get any better. I mean, we just introduced you to maple-bacon donuts! However, we’re about to outdo ourselves. Get ready for… bacon-wrapped hot dogs! You’ve probably seen these beautiful concoctions before (we’re guessing they were selling them outside of that concert you attended this summer). But we’re willing to bet you’ve never tried them — and you’re missing out! You’ll be hooked after your first bite. And guess what? You’ll want to thank us for the third time.

Why We Love National Bacon Day

  1. It’s amazing

    Check your pulse if you don’t believe us — you’re clearly a zombie masquerading as a real person. Why do we like it so much? It complements everything it comes in touch with, whether it’s spicing up a boring salad or taking donuts to the next level. They say Midas has the golden touch, but we beg to differ.

  2. It’s convenient

    Look, there’s never enough time in one day. Between our jobs, errands, and friends, we’re always struggling to find time to cook. However, when you opt to have bacon as a meal, that’s not a problem. All you need to do is heat up a pan and pour in a little bit of oil. Your bacon will be ready in minutes and the gnarly hunger monster inside of you will be sated. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved!

  3. It has superpowers

    Bacon contains a nutrient (we know, we’re surprised too) called “choline.” It’s been known to increase intelligence and memory, fight Alzheimer’s Disease, and protect the heart from developing lethal problems. We never thought our favorite food could get any better, but then we learn about its health benefits. Thank you, bacon; you’re the gift that keeps on giving.

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Gather-round the frying pan everybody because National Bacon Day is December 30 and it’s enough to make any bacon-lover squeal. Just saying the word makes us hungry. It’s an incredibly versatile food. You can eat it on a burger if you’re ready for a major calorie-fest. Or, you can crumble it over a salad if you’re trying to be kind of healthy (but let’s be honest, nothing is healthy with bacon on it). You can even make it the star of the show by simply pairing it with eggs. No matter what you do, bacon is greasy, delicious, and the most beautiful thing we’ve ever seen strip. If you, too, want to climb a tall building and scream at the top of your lungs, “I love bacon,” then please join us in celebrating National Bacon Day on December 30

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Operation Santa Paws 2021

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Animals serve an important part in our lives, being those friends and companions that give us love unconditionally. They protect our homes, and are there whenever we need them, asking for nothing but love and tenderness in exchange for all they give. Operation Santa Paws Day is a reminder that we need to return that love, and remember them at this most special time of year.

Every year there is a rush of animals that, through abuse and neglect, wind up abandoned in shelters and animal rescues everywhere. All too often they’re given as birthday or Christmas gifts, and simply abandoned as the shine wears off the newest puppy or the kitten gets grown up. Whatever the case, millions of animals world-wide end up in shelters, and there simply isn’t enough resources to support them all. This is where Operation Santa Paws Day comes in.

History of Operation Santa Paws 

This holiday was organized by Justin Rudd in 2001, this holiday was originally put together in Long Beach, California to help support their local shelters and rescues. While anyone can choose to participate by donating new toys, treats, food or money to help keep these dedicated servants of the animal public going. Justin has spread his campaign far and wide, getting stores nationwide to participate in this humanitarian effort.

How to celebrate Operation Santa Paws 

Celebrating Operation Santa Paws days can happen in a number of ways, from those already mentioned to more dedicated efforts. This holiday is about the animals, but without the support of those individuals who love them and dedicate themselves to their welfare, there’d be nowhere for them to go. When you stop by with your donation of supplies for the furry residents of your local shelter, don’t forget to bring down some tokens of thanks for these hard working saviors of our favorite little beasties.

Operation Santa Paws is still primarily operating out of California, but with the efforts of friends and companies, this phenomena can spread. Visit your local stores and enlist their help in collecting supplies, ask if you can put out a collection poster and post a wish list at their locations. (These things are available on http://www.hautedogs.org/santapaws as templates). Also, be sure to contact the shelters in your area that will benefit from your efforts, and let them know they have an ally in their mission to help animals.

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Food Service Safety Month 2021

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Food Service Safety Month is observed in December, and while it focuses on keeping food prepared in the service industry safe, it also serves to remind us at home to ensure we are doing the right things to make sure what we eat stays free of risks. And since this is the month where there’s a high amount of festive feasting, keeping food safe is more important than ever.

History of Food Service Safety Month

Companies that make meals for hungry customers are subject to some rigorous tests and trials to ensure that any dishes they create for sale are of an especially high hygiene standard. The food service industry is a huge business, with up to 77% of food service sales coming from fast food and full-service restaurants in 2010, worldwide. You will usually hear of food service businesses selling wholesale food to businesses as big as MacDonalds, but plenty of them create single ready meals direct for consumers too.

All eating establishments should have a hygiene certificate, and to must keep on top of making sure its levels of cleanliness stay nice and high. This counts in any food preparation area – from a little cafe down the road to any huge factory producing foodstuffs on a large scale. Every packaged meal you eat, every microwave meal, every tub of ice cream must have been made in an environment subject to the high food safety standards demanded by the food service industry – so you can enjoy your meal without fear of getting unwell.

After all food preparation is complete, surfaces should always be washed. Utensils should not be used for different items before being washed, and it is especially important that raw meat is not stored with cooked meat.

How to celebrate Food Safety Month

When preparing food, a large amount of considerations need to be made – and this month is the perfect opportunity to learn them, whether you prepare food inside the home or work making food in a restaurant or diner.

Foods such as chicken and fish often require being cooked to a certain temperature before they are able to be served. This prevents the risk of any bacteria surviving on the food that might make a person ill.

One of the most effective ways to keep food preparation safe is to wash your hands.  In fact, since that’s a great way to prevent illnesses like the common cold, why not pop a bottle of alcohol hand sanitizer in your bag this month so you get into the habit of cleaning up before grabbing a bite?

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środa, 29 grudnia 2021

Pear Month 2021

Tip: Tennessee Wholesale Nursery discount codes: 10% Off Deals. Tennessee Wholesale Nursery Coupon Code: save10. Tap offer to copy the coupon code. Remember to paste code when you check out. Online only.#TennesseeWholesaleNurseryCoupons#TennesseeWholesaleNurseryPromoCodes

Tennessee Wholesale Nursery discount codes: 10% Off Tennessee Wholesale Nursery Promo Codes, Coupons December 2021

Pears have been around for over 4000 years coming from the Caucasus and spread over from Asia and Europe to North America. Today, pears are considered a stable in any American supermarket, but in comparison to fruits like apples and oranges, pears can be difficult to incorporate into your daily meals. Pear Month is here to change that.

History of Pear Month

Pear Month, started by USA Pears and officially declared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is a month-long holiday dedicated to educating people about how to tell the ripeness of a pear and how to make the most out of eating pears. USA Pears created this holiday back in 2011 based off of a survey that stated that 84% of shoppers cannot tell when a pear is ripe when they are shopping in a grocery store. According to USA Pears, checking the ripeness of a pear can make all the difference because pears, when harvested, don’t come off the tree ripe but rather mature. The best way to check if a pear is ripe is the check the stem of the pear.

USA Pears chose the month because of the fact that most pears, specifically the 10 types of Northwest pears, get harvested during the month of December.  Pears also have high nutritional value, having more fiber than bananas, oranges, and strawberries. This fruit is also hypoallergenic, safe for people with allergies to eat, and has pectin which helps control high cholesterol. Pear Month encourages people to eat more pears and get more creative with pear recipes because of its texture and light flavor. As part of this celebration, USA Pears creates national tours and chef competitions to create the most out of using pears to help shine the light on how pears can improve overall health and being.

How to celebrate Pear Month

One of the best ways to celebrate Pear Month is to buy pears from your local grocery store or farm and start cooking with pears. There are multiple recipes online that you can look up and experiment with what pears can do to improve your food. Share this holiday on social media to let your friends know what day it is using the hashtag #pearmonth and talk about why you love pears so much.

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wtorek, 28 grudnia 2021

Why Do We Celebrate National Call a Friend Day?

National Call a Friend Day Activities

  1. Call a friend

    This tip wins no prizes for being unexpected, but the very best way for you to get into the spirit of this holiday is to pick up thephone and actually call that friend. You could phone one friend and call it a day, or you can work your way through that little black book of people you've been meaning to reconnect with. You can use your phone, connect through Skype, or use any number of the apps out there that let you communicate voice to voice.

  2. Get chatty with a wrong number

    Everyone makes a mistake now and then, but on National Call a Friend Day, you have the opportunity to convert a wrong number into a friend you didn't know you had. If you receive a phone call on December 28 from someone you don't know, take an extra moment to be friendly and try out a little small talk. Not the passive sit-around-and-wait type? Try dialing a wrong number on purpose and see if you can squeeze in a conversation with the person who picks up. You might just make somebody’s day.

  3. Hold a getting-in-touch party

    Chances are, a few of your friends are friends with each other. And chances are, at least one of your mutual friends lives somewhere outside comfortable visiting distance. On December 28, celebrate National Call a Friend Day in communal style by inviting your local cohorts to a party themed around getting back in touch with those friends who couldn't make it in person. Dial up your mutual friends on speakerphone and have fun connecting as a group.

Why We Love National Call a Friend Day

  1. All you need is love

    Humans are social creatures, and we tend to do best when we foster loving, supportive relationships with others. Going it alone can be tough, andwhile there are a few hermits out there who shun society and contact with other humans, most of us aren't built for a life of solitude off the grid. Whether you're a social butterfly with countless friends in different groups, or you're an introvert with a hand-picked squad of a few very close companions, your interactions with your friends plays a major role in your self-esteem, confidence, and overall sense of well-being.

  2. Voices make more impact

    Once upon a time, the written word was mostly used forprinted publications like novels, newspapers, and encyclopedias. People wrote letters to each other, but those letters took weeks or even months to reach their intended recipients. But the internet completely revolutionized how we communicate, and youngergenerations are twice as likely to reply to a text as they are to answer a phone call. Voice-based communications aren't as popular today, but studies show that oral conversations stimulate wider areas of the brain than text-based conversations on the same topic.

  3. Staying in touch can be tough

    Friends have a habit of understanding that you're busy. Some friends don't want to bother you, distract you, or take you away from your important work. In our modern era, we've developed the tendency to not call our friends. Out of respect for their time, we tend to send texts, emails, or messages through social media that our friends can answer at their leisure. But on National Call a Friend Day, we have the perfect reason to dial up the people we care about most, making a very human connection in our technological age.

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Christmas is over and New Year’s is on its way. But in the meantime, December 28 is National Call a Friend Day! Between the stress of the daily grind at work, the needs of your family, and ensuring you have a little time for yourself, our lives can get awfully hectic. National Call a Friend Day reminds us all to take a few minutes, pick up the phone, and call that friend you’ve been meaning to get back in touch with. In modern times, technology has the capacity to unite us more than ever before. The internet isn’t fazed by distance, time zones, or how much money you have in the bank. But in our day to day lives of whizzing from one task to the next (or even multi-tasking on all our projects at once), technology often has the opposite effect. Checking emails, answering texts, responding to Facebook notifications, and other tech-based tasks can fill up our lives and actually make us feel less connected to the people we’re spending all our time connecting with! So with the holiday season rapidly drawing to a close this year, make an effort on December 28 to reach out with a phone call and connect, voice to voice, with a good friend.

What, there’s a National Call a Friend Day? Make the most of this meaningful holiday with our best tips and gift ideas.

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Human Rights Month 2021

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Throughout history there have been instances of wanton cruelty, and a blatant violation of the rights and privileges of mankind. Whether that was based on the color of one’s skin, their nationality, religion, or merely being unfortunate enough to be living under the regime of another country, people have regularly been treated like animals, or worse.

Human Rights Month is here to remind us of that day in 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly codified the basic human rights of every individual on the planet.

History of Human Rights Month

During World War II there were four basic goals stated by the Allies, that ever man and woman should know and experience four freedoms. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from fear, and Freedom from want. These ideas were set in place and upheld, but as was made clear by the atrocities committed by Hitler, they were woefully insufficient to guarantee and enforce the freedoms they represented.

So it came to pass in December of 1948 that the United nations General Assembly put forth 30 articles that cover everything from rights to education, freedom, health, and more. Since this event these articles have served to help protect civilians in time of war or dictatorship, to help bring POW’s home, and to ensure that people everywhere are allowed to live in liberty and safety.

How to celebrate Human Rights Month

The best way to celebrate Human Rights month is to take time to understand what exactly this codified set of freedoms does for you. Studying and researching it is a way to honor the work and lives that went into making sure this document came to exist for the good of all mankind. It’s also a great opportunity to spend some time volunteering for organizations like Amnesty International, a charity organization that works tirelessly to support and spread human rights.

Working with organizations like these will help millions of people around the world, and the ways to contribute are endless. It can start as simple as a donation drive, or grow to a continuous and concerted effort to help prisoners and the needy all throughout the world. We all benefit from the work done by these august organizations, International Human Rights Month is your opportunity to give a little back for the protections you enjoy as a citizen of the world.

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poniedziałek, 27 grudnia 2021

Food Service Safety Month 2021

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Food Service Safety Month is observed in December, and while it focuses on keeping food prepared in the service industry safe, it also serves to remind us at home to ensure we are doing the right things to make sure what we eat stays free of risks. And since this is the month where there’s a high amount of festive feasting, keeping food safe is more important than ever.

History of Food Service Safety Month

Companies that make meals for hungry customers are subject to some rigorous tests and trials to ensure that any dishes they create for sale are of an especially high hygiene standard. The food service industry is a huge business, with up to 77% of food service sales coming from fast food and full-service restaurants in 2010, worldwide. You will usually hear of food service businesses selling wholesale food to businesses as big as MacDonalds, but plenty of them create single ready meals direct for consumers too.

All eating establishments should have a hygiene certificate, and to must keep on top of making sure its levels of cleanliness stay nice and high. This counts in any food preparation area – from a little cafe down the road to any huge factory producing foodstuffs on a large scale. Every packaged meal you eat, every microwave meal, every tub of ice cream must have been made in an environment subject to the high food safety standards demanded by the food service industry – so you can enjoy your meal without fear of getting unwell.

After all food preparation is complete, surfaces should always be washed. Utensils should not be used for different items before being washed, and it is especially important that raw meat is not stored with cooked meat.

How to celebrate Food Safety Month

When preparing food, a large amount of considerations need to be made – and this month is the perfect opportunity to learn them, whether you prepare food inside the home or work making food in a restaurant or diner.

Foods such as chicken and fish often require being cooked to a certain temperature before they are able to be served. This prevents the risk of any bacteria surviving on the food that might make a person ill.

One of the most effective ways to keep food preparation safe is to wash your hands.  In fact, since that’s a great way to prevent illnesses like the common cold, why not pop a bottle of alcohol hand sanitizer in your bag this month so you get into the habit of cleaning up before grabbing a bite?

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Gift Of Sight Month 2021

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Good vision is something that we all recognize the importance of. However, it is something that a lot of us take for granted. After all, you know what they say; you don’t realize what you have got until it is gone. For a lot of people, being blind is something that they have lived with their entire lives.

For others, it is something that has crept upon them at a later age. There are then those that have good vision, but they live in fear of this taken away from them. In fact, blindness ranks as one of the top fears for aging people around the world today. 

Gift Of Sight month has been designed to help and raise awareness regarding the importance of eye health. A lot of people realize that routine yearly physicals are imperative in terms of detecting or preventing a lot of conditions. However, very few people appreciate just how important a yearly eye exam is when it comes to preventing disorders and diagnosing diseases at the earliest stage.

Can you honestly say that you have had an eye exam in the past year? If you have, we applaud you! If you haven’t, it’s time to book one. It does not matter whether you are seven-years-old or you will soon be celebrating your 70th birthday, an annual eye exam is something we should all have. 

History Of Gift Of Sight Month

Versant Health established Gift Of Sight Month. This month is dedicated to helping people realize how important it is to have healthy eyes, and how amazing and lucky we are to have full vision. It has been set up so that people realize that seeing an eye doctor on a regular basis is important so that we can keep enjoying the ability to see the world around us. The month is all about action and education. Gift Of Sight month also advocates for low-cost eye exams in order to prevent issues. 

Why Routine Eye Exams Are Important

There are a number of different reasons why routine eye exams are important. The main reason is so that any problems are detected at the earliest possible stage. When eye issues are not picked up on right away, they can become worse and worse. This means that you could end up losing your vision. This could all be avoided if you had a yearly exam, as the optometrist would have been able to pick up on the issue and take the right course of action to prevent it from getting worse. This is even more so important when you consider the fact that a lot of eye diseases do not give warning signs.

Statistics About Vision Impairment

The WHO has released some interesting statistics on visual impairment. These statistics certainly help you to get a better understanding of how common eye health issues are and, therefore, why it is critical to make sure you keep on top of your eye health. Here are some of the statistics they have released…

  • Around the world, there are a minimum of 2.2 billion people who are blind or have a vision impairment.
  • Of these people, at least one billion people have a visual impairment that could have been prevented or has not been addressed yet.
  • Of these one billion people, this includes individuals that have a severe or moderate distance vision impairment or blindness that has been caused by a refractive error that has not been addressed. 
  • Most people that have vision impairment are over the age of 50-years-old. However, there are children that have problems with their vision, which is why it is so important to make sure you have routine eye checks irrespective of your age.
  • The main cause of vision impairment around the world are refractive errors that have not been corrected and cataracts.

How to celebrate Gift Of Sight Month

There are a number of different things that you can do in order to observe Gift Of Sight Month. However, there is no denying that the most important step is to book an eye exam. This is especially the case if you have not had a routine eye examination within the past year. Not only should you make sure you book an eye exam, but you should commit to doing this every year in order to protect your eye health.

Aside from this, another way that you can observe Gift Of Sight Month is by raising awareness. You’ve got a whole month, so you have plenty of time to put together blog posts and social media posts so that you can educate your friends, family, and followers on the importance of routine eye exams and maintaining their eye health. You can also post helpful tips on different things that people can do in order to keep their eyes healthy. Even if you reach one person, you could potentially save them from losing their vision in the future, so it really does make a difference. 

Another way to observe Gift Of Sight Month is to do something for people in society who are already blind. There are lots of different charities out there that are doing work for those who are visually impaired. You may decide to volunteer or you could fundraise. There are lots of great ways to fundraise today, including fundraising events, such as fun runs and bake sales. If you are a crafty person, you may want to create items for Gift Of Sight Month, selling them and donating the proceeds to a charity of your choice.

Finally, a great way for you to observe Gift Of Sight Month is to get in touch with all of your friends and family and encourage them to book an eye exam. You could even offer to book the exam for them so that the only thing they have to do is show up. There are lots of companies that offer deals and discounts on eye exams during this month, so you should definitely keep an eye out for these. 

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Human Rights Month 2021

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Throughout history there have been instances of wanton cruelty, and a blatant violation of the rights and privileges of mankind. Whether that was based on the color of one’s skin, their nationality, religion, or merely being unfortunate enough to be living under the regime of another country, people have regularly been treated like animals, or worse.

Human Rights Month is here to remind us of that day in 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly codified the basic human rights of every individual on the planet.

History of Human Rights Month

During World War II there were four basic goals stated by the Allies, that ever man and woman should know and experience four freedoms. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from fear, and Freedom from want. These ideas were set in place and upheld, but as was made clear by the atrocities committed by Hitler, they were woefully insufficient to guarantee and enforce the freedoms they represented.

So it came to pass in December of 1948 that the United nations General Assembly put forth 30 articles that cover everything from rights to education, freedom, health, and more. Since this event these articles have served to help protect civilians in time of war or dictatorship, to help bring POW’s home, and to ensure that people everywhere are allowed to live in liberty and safety.

How to celebrate Human Rights Month

The best way to celebrate Human Rights month is to take time to understand what exactly this codified set of freedoms does for you. Studying and researching it is a way to honor the work and lives that went into making sure this document came to exist for the good of all mankind. It’s also a great opportunity to spend some time volunteering for organizations like Amnesty International, a charity organization that works tirelessly to support and spread human rights.

Working with organizations like these will help millions of people around the world, and the ways to contribute are endless. It can start as simple as a donation drive, or grow to a continuous and concerted effort to help prisoners and the needy all throughout the world. We all benefit from the work done by these august organizations, International Human Rights Month is your opportunity to give a little back for the protections you enjoy as a citizen of the world.

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niedziela, 26 grudnia 2021

Timeline of Universal Human Rights Month 2021

Universal Human Rights Month timeline

December 9, 2001

Human Rights Week began

President George W. Bush declared the first Human Rights Week (it has since become a monthlong worldwide holiday).

December 4, 1950

The UN expanded its role

The General Assembly invited all member states and other interested organizations to celebrate Human Rights Day.

December 10, 1948

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The General Assembly of the United Nations outlined the basic rights and fundamental freedoms to which we're entitled.

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We have seen our share of cruelty and hate. We can do better. That’s why the world is observing Universal Human Rights Month during December. This month is a reminder that the United Nations General Assembly codified the basic human rights of every person. It’s also a time to reflect on the way we treat others, and to do what we can in the fight for equality.

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sobota, 25 grudnia 2021

Timeline of Jesus' Birthday 2021

Jesus' Birthday timeline

c. 29 AD

The Last Supper, Crucifixion, and Resurrection

When Jesus realized he would be arrested and almost certainly executed, he gathered his disciples for a last supper, gave his friends and followers his final words of faith, and told them that he knew one of them betrayed him. He went into the Garden of Gethsemane to pray, where he was taken into custody. The next day, after being mocked, interrogated, and tortured, he was put to death, along with two thieves. Three days after his burial, his tomb was found empty. This Resurrection would become the most important celebration in the Christian faith, known as Easter in the Western world.

c. 28 AD

Jesus arrived in Jerusalem

Not long after the transfiguration, Jesus traveled to Jerusalem, riding into the city on a donkey during the week before Passover. Despite this humble arrival, crowds gathered, waving palm branches and heralding him as the Son of God. Once again, the powerful political figures, priests, and Pharisees felt threatened and began plans to stop Jesus.

c. 27 AD

The transfiguration of Jesus

After about two years of traveling, preaching, performing miracles, and teaching with parables, Jesus took three of his disciples to a high mountain to pray. Jesus' face began shining, then his entire body glowed with a white light. The prophets Elijah and Moses appeared in a vision, and Jesus talked to them. Then a bright cloud formed around them, and a voice was heard from the cloud saying, "This is my beloved son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to him." This event, which became known as The Transfiguration, has deep significance in Christian beliefs, supporting the identity of Jesus as the Son of God.

c. 26 AD

Jesus was baptized and began his ministry

When Jesus was 30 years old, he met John the Baptist, who declared Jesus to be the Son of God and baptized him. After his baptism, Jesus went into the desert for 40 days and nights of fasting and meditation — resisting three temptations by Satan during this time. He then returned to Galilee and began preaching, acquiring his first disciples.

c. 4 AD

Jesus' birth and the Passover

Jesus was born in Nazareth, in the Galilee region of Israel, during the reign of Herod the Great. Herod tried to kill Jesus by ordering all of Bethlehem’s male children under age two to be killed. (Since this event, Passover has been observed as a celebration of all the homes mysteriously marked as having no small sons, and thus "passed over" by the executioners.) But Joseph was warned by an angel and took Mary and the child to Egypt until Herod’s death, after which he brought his family back and settled in Nazareth. Nazareth is now the capital and largest city in the Northern District of Israel.

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Who was Jesus Christ, and why is December 25 a major holiday celebrated across all geographic, political, and religious boundaries? Interestingly, while Jesus is associated primarily with Christianity in the Western world, other religions also recognize him as a significant figure. Explore this fascinating, mysterious, and sometimes controversial man’s life as we honor him on his birthday.

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National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month History

History of National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month

Since 1981, high officials all across America have worked their hardest promoting the importance of staying sober while driving during the month of December, proclaimed National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month or National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, and it all stemmed from one woman and her resolve.
On May 3, 1980, thirteen-year-old Cari Lightner was struck and killed by Clarence Busch in a drunk driving accident. When police arrested Clarence, they found this was not his first occurence, even down to a hit-and-run drunk driving fine less than a week before his accident with Cari. At the time, driving while intoxicated was a misdemeanor that was barely prosecuted, meaning that Busch was very unlikely to have gone to jail.
This unacceptable fact motivated Cari’s mother, Candy Lightner, to take action. The result was the non-profit organization known as MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Candy’s movement quickly grew across the nation. She pushed to a more strict definition of what drunk driving was, having legislators pass stricter laws and prosecutions that included jail time and license suspensions, up to having President Reagan establish 21 as the minimum drinking age and appointing Lightner as part of a commission developed to tackle the issue.
To this day, Candy continues to advocate for anti-drunk, drugged and distracted driving legislation as president of We Save Lives. “I am not against drinking. I am for responsible drinking. We don’t let people walk around with a loaded gun in our neighborhood. But we let them drive when they drink.”

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Each December, we go out for fun, parties and drinks with family and friends. But we ask you to stop and think for a second about being responsible. December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month and since the holiday season has a higher accident rate than others on average, it is important to echo the message of consciousness of being in a proper state behind the wheel. According to the National Safety Council, over 40,000 people died in alcohol-related traffic accidents last year. So this year, stay safe during the holidays.

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piątek, 24 grudnia 2021

Pear Month 2021

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Pears have been around for over 4000 years coming from the Caucasus and spread over from Asia and Europe to North America. Today, pears are considered a stable in any American supermarket, but in comparison to fruits like apples and oranges, pears can be difficult to incorporate into your daily meals. Pear Month is here to change that.

History of Pear Month

Pear Month, started by USA Pears and officially declared by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is a month-long holiday dedicated to educating people about how to tell the ripeness of a pear and how to make the most out of eating pears. USA Pears created this holiday back in 2011 based off of a survey that stated that 84% of shoppers cannot tell when a pear is ripe when they are shopping in a grocery store. According to USA Pears, checking the ripeness of a pear can make all the difference because pears, when harvested, don’t come off the tree ripe but rather mature. The best way to check if a pear is ripe is the check the stem of the pear.

USA Pears chose the month because of the fact that most pears, specifically the 10 types of Northwest pears, get harvested during the month of December.  Pears also have high nutritional value, having more fiber than bananas, oranges, and strawberries. This fruit is also hypoallergenic, safe for people with allergies to eat, and has pectin which helps control high cholesterol. Pear Month encourages people to eat more pears and get more creative with pear recipes because of its texture and light flavor. As part of this celebration, USA Pears creates national tours and chef competitions to create the most out of using pears to help shine the light on how pears can improve overall health and being.

How to celebrate Pear Month

One of the best ways to celebrate Pear Month is to buy pears from your local grocery store or farm and start cooking with pears. There are multiple recipes online that you can look up and experiment with what pears can do to improve your food. Share this holiday on social media to let your friends know what day it is using the hashtag #pearmonth and talk about why you love pears so much.

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National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month History

History of National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month

Since 1981, high officials all across America have worked their hardest promoting the importance of staying sober while driving during the month of December, proclaimed National Drunk & Drugged Driving Prevention Month or National Impaired Driving Prevention Month, and it all stemmed from one woman and her resolve.
On May 3, 1980, thirteen-year-old Cari Lightner was struck and killed by Clarence Busch in a drunk driving accident. When police arrested Clarence, they found this was not his first occurence, even down to a hit-and-run drunk driving fine less than a week before his accident with Cari. At the time, driving while intoxicated was a misdemeanor that was barely prosecuted, meaning that Busch was very unlikely to have gone to jail.
This unacceptable fact motivated Cari’s mother, Candy Lightner, to take action. The result was the non-profit organization known as MADD, Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Candy’s movement quickly grew across the nation. She pushed to a more strict definition of what drunk driving was, having legislators pass stricter laws and prosecutions that included jail time and license suspensions, up to having President Reagan establish 21 as the minimum drinking age and appointing Lightner as part of a commission developed to tackle the issue.
To this day, Candy continues to advocate for anti-drunk, drugged and distracted driving legislation as president of We Save Lives. “I am not against drinking. I am for responsible drinking. We don’t let people walk around with a loaded gun in our neighborhood. But we let them drive when they drink.”

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Each December, we go out for fun, parties and drinks with family and friends. But we ask you to stop and think for a second about being responsible. December is National Drunk and Drugged Driving Prevention Month and since the holiday season has a higher accident rate than others on average, it is important to echo the message of consciousness of being in a proper state behind the wheel. According to the National Safety Council, over 40,000 people died in alcohol-related traffic accidents last year. So this year, stay safe during the holidays.

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Operation Santa Paws 2021

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Animals serve an important part in our lives, being those friends and companions that give us love unconditionally. They protect our homes, and are there whenever we need them, asking for nothing but love and tenderness in exchange for all they give. Operation Santa Paws Day is a reminder that we need to return that love, and remember them at this most special time of year.

Every year there is a rush of animals that, through abuse and neglect, wind up abandoned in shelters and animal rescues everywhere. All too often they’re given as birthday or Christmas gifts, and simply abandoned as the shine wears off the newest puppy or the kitten gets grown up. Whatever the case, millions of animals world-wide end up in shelters, and there simply isn’t enough resources to support them all. This is where Operation Santa Paws Day comes in.

History of Operation Santa Paws 

This holiday was organized by Justin Rudd in 2001, this holiday was originally put together in Long Beach, California to help support their local shelters and rescues. While anyone can choose to participate by donating new toys, treats, food or money to help keep these dedicated servants of the animal public going. Justin has spread his campaign far and wide, getting stores nationwide to participate in this humanitarian effort.

How to celebrate Operation Santa Paws 

Celebrating Operation Santa Paws days can happen in a number of ways, from those already mentioned to more dedicated efforts. This holiday is about the animals, but without the support of those individuals who love them and dedicate themselves to their welfare, there’d be nowhere for them to go. When you stop by with your donation of supplies for the furry residents of your local shelter, don’t forget to bring down some tokens of thanks for these hard working saviors of our favorite little beasties.

Operation Santa Paws is still primarily operating out of California, but with the efforts of friends and companies, this phenomena can spread. Visit your local stores and enlist their help in collecting supplies, ask if you can put out a collection poster and post a wish list at their locations. (These things are available on http://www.hautedogs.org/santapaws as templates). Also, be sure to contact the shelters in your area that will benefit from your efforts, and let them know they have an ally in their mission to help animals.

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Listicles Universal Human Rights Month 2021

3 Humbling Facts About Universal Human Rights Month

  1. 70th anniversary

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights emphasizes human rights — regardless of gender, age, race, political affiliation, or sexual preference.

  2. Multilingual

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been translated into more than 500 languages — more than any other document in the world.

  3. Causes for celebration

    Cultural events and exhibitions take place — all surrounding human rights issues.

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We have seen our share of cruelty and hate. We can do better. That’s why the world is observing Universal Human Rights Month during December. This month is a reminder that the United Nations General Assembly codified the basic human rights of every person. It’s also a time to reflect on the way we treat others, and to do what we can in the fight for equality.

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Human Rights Month 2021

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Throughout history there have been instances of wanton cruelty, and a blatant violation of the rights and privileges of mankind. Whether that was based on the color of one’s skin, their nationality, religion, or merely being unfortunate enough to be living under the regime of another country, people have regularly been treated like animals, or worse.

Human Rights Month is here to remind us of that day in 1948 when the United Nations General Assembly codified the basic human rights of every individual on the planet.

History of Human Rights Month

During World War II there were four basic goals stated by the Allies, that ever man and woman should know and experience four freedoms. Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion, Freedom from fear, and Freedom from want. These ideas were set in place and upheld, but as was made clear by the atrocities committed by Hitler, they were woefully insufficient to guarantee and enforce the freedoms they represented.

So it came to pass in December of 1948 that the United nations General Assembly put forth 30 articles that cover everything from rights to education, freedom, health, and more. Since this event these articles have served to help protect civilians in time of war or dictatorship, to help bring POW’s home, and to ensure that people everywhere are allowed to live in liberty and safety.

How to celebrate Human Rights Month

The best way to celebrate Human Rights month is to take time to understand what exactly this codified set of freedoms does for you. Studying and researching it is a way to honor the work and lives that went into making sure this document came to exist for the good of all mankind. It’s also a great opportunity to spend some time volunteering for organizations like Amnesty International, a charity organization that works tirelessly to support and spread human rights.

Working with organizations like these will help millions of people around the world, and the ways to contribute are endless. It can start as simple as a donation drive, or grow to a continuous and concerted effort to help prisoners and the needy all throughout the world. We all benefit from the work done by these august organizations, International Human Rights Month is your opportunity to give a little back for the protections you enjoy as a citizen of the world.

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Tie Month 2021

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Pause and think a moment, imagine for yourself a powerful man in command of himself and the world. Respectable, dependable, and the very symbol of trustworthiness in a world that’s forgotten what being trustworthy means.

If you’ve just imagined a man in a suit and tie (and you know the tie is mandatory) then you’ll understand why the noble necktie has been granted a holiday of its very own, Tie Month.

History of Tie Month

That’s right, the tie is of such importance that it gets an entire month dedicated to it, unlike the poor sock which is only commemorated in No Socks Day for the wonder that is not wearing them. But why is the tie so important, and how did it come to mean power and distinction? Well, it all starts back in the 1600’s during the Croatian war, when the mercenaries cravat’s caught the Parisian attention, and became integrated into their fashion culture.

The cravat stuck around as an item of distinction, until they underwent a bit of a revolution and became the Steinkirk. The cravat had become so important that one wouldn’t think of going anywhere, not even to battle, without wearing one. So it was that the princes involved in the Battle of Steinkirk hurriedly put on their cravats and looped them through a button-hole. A little imagination can reveal the origins of the modern neck-tie in this simple adaptation.

The modern tie made its appearance in the late 1800’s, sometime after the ascot was created. In those hundreds of years the tie and its ancestors had been worn by the powerful, the influential, and thus it became associated with serious men on serious business. So it is that professors, CEO’s, the serious job-seeker (even Jesse Pinkman in his short dance with legitimacy) all turn to one item when they want to show they’re up-standing men on upstanding business.

How to celebrate Tie Month

Celebrating Tie Month is simple, when you prepare to get dressed for the day ahead, take the time to pick out an appropriate tie. Don’t have a tie? Well its high time you fix that, so head out and purchase yourself a tie or 6 straight-away, or even one for every day of the month! Just one thing, we highly advise that you avoid purchasing the cornflower blue tie, no one likes cornflower blue.

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Gift Of Sight Month 2021

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Good vision is something that we all recognize the importance of. However, it is something that a lot of us take for granted. After all, you know what they say; you don’t realize what you have got until it is gone. For a lot of people, being blind is something that they have lived with their entire lives.

For others, it is something that has crept upon them at a later age. There are then those that have good vision, but they live in fear of this taken away from them. In fact, blindness ranks as one of the top fears for aging people around the world today. 

Gift Of Sight month has been designed to help and raise awareness regarding the importance of eye health. A lot of people realize that routine yearly physicals are imperative in terms of detecting or preventing a lot of conditions. However, very few people appreciate just how important a yearly eye exam is when it comes to preventing disorders and diagnosing diseases at the earliest stage.

Can you honestly say that you have had an eye exam in the past year? If you have, we applaud you! If you haven’t, it’s time to book one. It does not matter whether you are seven-years-old or you will soon be celebrating your 70th birthday, an annual eye exam is something we should all have. 

History Of Gift Of Sight Month

Versant Health established Gift Of Sight Month. This month is dedicated to helping people realize how important it is to have healthy eyes, and how amazing and lucky we are to have full vision. It has been set up so that people realize that seeing an eye doctor on a regular basis is important so that we can keep enjoying the ability to see the world around us. The month is all about action and education. Gift Of Sight month also advocates for low-cost eye exams in order to prevent issues. 

Why Routine Eye Exams Are Important

There are a number of different reasons why routine eye exams are important. The main reason is so that any problems are detected at the earliest possible stage. When eye issues are not picked up on right away, they can become worse and worse. This means that you could end up losing your vision. This could all be avoided if you had a yearly exam, as the optometrist would have been able to pick up on the issue and take the right course of action to prevent it from getting worse. This is even more so important when you consider the fact that a lot of eye diseases do not give warning signs.

Statistics About Vision Impairment

The WHO has released some interesting statistics on visual impairment. These statistics certainly help you to get a better understanding of how common eye health issues are and, therefore, why it is critical to make sure you keep on top of your eye health. Here are some of the statistics they have released…

  • Around the world, there are a minimum of 2.2 billion people who are blind or have a vision impairment.
  • Of these people, at least one billion people have a visual impairment that could have been prevented or has not been addressed yet.
  • Of these one billion people, this includes individuals that have a severe or moderate distance vision impairment or blindness that has been caused by a refractive error that has not been addressed. 
  • Most people that have vision impairment are over the age of 50-years-old. However, there are children that have problems with their vision, which is why it is so important to make sure you have routine eye checks irrespective of your age.
  • The main cause of vision impairment around the world are refractive errors that have not been corrected and cataracts.

How to celebrate Gift Of Sight Month

There are a number of different things that you can do in order to observe Gift Of Sight Month. However, there is no denying that the most important step is to book an eye exam. This is especially the case if you have not had a routine eye examination within the past year. Not only should you make sure you book an eye exam, but you should commit to doing this every year in order to protect your eye health.

Aside from this, another way that you can observe Gift Of Sight Month is by raising awareness. You’ve got a whole month, so you have plenty of time to put together blog posts and social media posts so that you can educate your friends, family, and followers on the importance of routine eye exams and maintaining their eye health. You can also post helpful tips on different things that people can do in order to keep their eyes healthy. Even if you reach one person, you could potentially save them from losing their vision in the future, so it really does make a difference. 

Another way to observe Gift Of Sight Month is to do something for people in society who are already blind. There are lots of different charities out there that are doing work for those who are visually impaired. You may decide to volunteer or you could fundraise. There are lots of great ways to fundraise today, including fundraising events, such as fun runs and bake sales. If you are a crafty person, you may want to create items for Gift Of Sight Month, selling them and donating the proceeds to a charity of your choice.

Finally, a great way for you to observe Gift Of Sight Month is to get in touch with all of your friends and family and encourage them to book an eye exam. You could even offer to book the exam for them so that the only thing they have to do is show up. There are lots of companies that offer deals and discounts on eye exams during this month, so you should definitely keep an eye out for these. 

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czwartek, 23 grudnia 2021

Gift Of Sight Month 2021

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Good vision is something that we all recognize the importance of. However, it is something that a lot of us take for granted. After all, you know what they say; you don’t realize what you have got until it is gone. For a lot of people, being blind is something that they have lived with their entire lives.

For others, it is something that has crept upon them at a later age. There are then those that have good vision, but they live in fear of this taken away from them. In fact, blindness ranks as one of the top fears for aging people around the world today. 

Gift Of Sight month has been designed to help and raise awareness regarding the importance of eye health. A lot of people realize that routine yearly physicals are imperative in terms of detecting or preventing a lot of conditions. However, very few people appreciate just how important a yearly eye exam is when it comes to preventing disorders and diagnosing diseases at the earliest stage.

Can you honestly say that you have had an eye exam in the past year? If you have, we applaud you! If you haven’t, it’s time to book one. It does not matter whether you are seven-years-old or you will soon be celebrating your 70th birthday, an annual eye exam is something we should all have. 

History Of Gift Of Sight Month

Versant Health established Gift Of Sight Month. This month is dedicated to helping people realize how important it is to have healthy eyes, and how amazing and lucky we are to have full vision. It has been set up so that people realize that seeing an eye doctor on a regular basis is important so that we can keep enjoying the ability to see the world around us. The month is all about action and education. Gift Of Sight month also advocates for low-cost eye exams in order to prevent issues. 

Why Routine Eye Exams Are Important

There are a number of different reasons why routine eye exams are important. The main reason is so that any problems are detected at the earliest possible stage. When eye issues are not picked up on right away, they can become worse and worse. This means that you could end up losing your vision. This could all be avoided if you had a yearly exam, as the optometrist would have been able to pick up on the issue and take the right course of action to prevent it from getting worse. This is even more so important when you consider the fact that a lot of eye diseases do not give warning signs.

Statistics About Vision Impairment

The WHO has released some interesting statistics on visual impairment. These statistics certainly help you to get a better understanding of how common eye health issues are and, therefore, why it is critical to make sure you keep on top of your eye health. Here are some of the statistics they have released…

  • Around the world, there are a minimum of 2.2 billion people who are blind or have a vision impairment.
  • Of these people, at least one billion people have a visual impairment that could have been prevented or has not been addressed yet.
  • Of these one billion people, this includes individuals that have a severe or moderate distance vision impairment or blindness that has been caused by a refractive error that has not been addressed. 
  • Most people that have vision impairment are over the age of 50-years-old. However, there are children that have problems with their vision, which is why it is so important to make sure you have routine eye checks irrespective of your age.
  • The main cause of vision impairment around the world are refractive errors that have not been corrected and cataracts.

How to celebrate Gift Of Sight Month

There are a number of different things that you can do in order to observe Gift Of Sight Month. However, there is no denying that the most important step is to book an eye exam. This is especially the case if you have not had a routine eye examination within the past year. Not only should you make sure you book an eye exam, but you should commit to doing this every year in order to protect your eye health.

Aside from this, another way that you can observe Gift Of Sight Month is by raising awareness. You’ve got a whole month, so you have plenty of time to put together blog posts and social media posts so that you can educate your friends, family, and followers on the importance of routine eye exams and maintaining their eye health. You can also post helpful tips on different things that people can do in order to keep their eyes healthy. Even if you reach one person, you could potentially save them from losing their vision in the future, so it really does make a difference. 

Another way to observe Gift Of Sight Month is to do something for people in society who are already blind. There are lots of different charities out there that are doing work for those who are visually impaired. You may decide to volunteer or you could fundraise. There are lots of great ways to fundraise today, including fundraising events, such as fun runs and bake sales. If you are a crafty person, you may want to create items for Gift Of Sight Month, selling them and donating the proceeds to a charity of your choice.

Finally, a great way for you to observe Gift Of Sight Month is to get in touch with all of your friends and family and encourage them to book an eye exam. You could even offer to book the exam for them so that the only thing they have to do is show up. There are lots of companies that offer deals and discounts on eye exams during this month, so you should definitely keep an eye out for these. 

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Operation Santa Paws 2021

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Animals serve an important part in our lives, being those friends and companions that give us love unconditionally. They protect our homes, and are there whenever we need them, asking for nothing but love and tenderness in exchange for all they give. Operation Santa Paws Day is a reminder that we need to return that love, and remember them at this most special time of year.

Every year there is a rush of animals that, through abuse and neglect, wind up abandoned in shelters and animal rescues everywhere. All too often they’re given as birthday or Christmas gifts, and simply abandoned as the shine wears off the newest puppy or the kitten gets grown up. Whatever the case, millions of animals world-wide end up in shelters, and there simply isn’t enough resources to support them all. This is where Operation Santa Paws Day comes in.

History of Operation Santa Paws 

This holiday was organized by Justin Rudd in 2001, this holiday was originally put together in Long Beach, California to help support their local shelters and rescues. While anyone can choose to participate by donating new toys, treats, food or money to help keep these dedicated servants of the animal public going. Justin has spread his campaign far and wide, getting stores nationwide to participate in this humanitarian effort.

How to celebrate Operation Santa Paws 

Celebrating Operation Santa Paws days can happen in a number of ways, from those already mentioned to more dedicated efforts. This holiday is about the animals, but without the support of those individuals who love them and dedicate themselves to their welfare, there’d be nowhere for them to go. When you stop by with your donation of supplies for the furry residents of your local shelter, don’t forget to bring down some tokens of thanks for these hard working saviors of our favorite little beasties.

Operation Santa Paws is still primarily operating out of California, but with the efforts of friends and companies, this phenomena can spread. Visit your local stores and enlist their help in collecting supplies, ask if you can put out a collection poster and post a wish list at their locations. (These things are available on http://www.hautedogs.org/santapaws as templates). Also, be sure to contact the shelters in your area that will benefit from your efforts, and let them know they have an ally in their mission to help animals.

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Timeline of Universal Human Rights Month 2021

Universal Human Rights Month timeline

December 9, 2001

Human Rights Week began

President George W. Bush declared the first Human Rights Week (it has since become a monthlong worldwide holiday).

December 4, 1950

The UN expanded its role

The General Assembly invited all member states and other interested organizations to celebrate Human Rights Day.

December 10, 1948

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The General Assembly of the United Nations outlined the basic rights and fundamental freedoms to which we're entitled.

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We have seen our share of cruelty and hate. We can do better. That’s why the world is observing Universal Human Rights Month during December. This month is a reminder that the United Nations General Assembly codified the basic human rights of every person. It’s also a time to reflect on the way we treat others, and to do what we can in the fight for equality.

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środa, 22 grudnia 2021

Listicles Universal Human Rights Month 2021

3 Humbling Facts About Universal Human Rights Month

  1. 70th anniversary

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights emphasizes human rights — regardless of gender, age, race, political affiliation, or sexual preference.

  2. Multilingual

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been translated into more than 500 languages — more than any other document in the world.

  3. Causes for celebration

    Cultural events and exhibitions take place — all surrounding human rights issues.

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We have seen our share of cruelty and hate. We can do better. That’s why the world is observing Universal Human Rights Month during December. This month is a reminder that the United Nations General Assembly codified the basic human rights of every person. It’s also a time to reflect on the way we treat others, and to do what we can in the fight for equality.

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wtorek, 21 grudnia 2021

Tie Month 2021

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Pause and think a moment, imagine for yourself a powerful man in command of himself and the world. Respectable, dependable, and the very symbol of trustworthiness in a world that’s forgotten what being trustworthy means.

If you’ve just imagined a man in a suit and tie (and you know the tie is mandatory) then you’ll understand why the noble necktie has been granted a holiday of its very own, Tie Month.

History of Tie Month

That’s right, the tie is of such importance that it gets an entire month dedicated to it, unlike the poor sock which is only commemorated in No Socks Day for the wonder that is not wearing them. But why is the tie so important, and how did it come to mean power and distinction? Well, it all starts back in the 1600’s during the Croatian war, when the mercenaries cravat’s caught the Parisian attention, and became integrated into their fashion culture.

The cravat stuck around as an item of distinction, until they underwent a bit of a revolution and became the Steinkirk. The cravat had become so important that one wouldn’t think of going anywhere, not even to battle, without wearing one. So it was that the princes involved in the Battle of Steinkirk hurriedly put on their cravats and looped them through a button-hole. A little imagination can reveal the origins of the modern neck-tie in this simple adaptation.

The modern tie made its appearance in the late 1800’s, sometime after the ascot was created. In those hundreds of years the tie and its ancestors had been worn by the powerful, the influential, and thus it became associated with serious men on serious business. So it is that professors, CEO’s, the serious job-seeker (even Jesse Pinkman in his short dance with legitimacy) all turn to one item when they want to show they’re up-standing men on upstanding business.

How to celebrate Tie Month

Celebrating Tie Month is simple, when you prepare to get dressed for the day ahead, take the time to pick out an appropriate tie. Don’t have a tie? Well its high time you fix that, so head out and purchase yourself a tie or 6 straight-away, or even one for every day of the month! Just one thing, we highly advise that you avoid purchasing the cornflower blue tie, no one likes cornflower blue.

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